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“Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.”
– John C. Maxwell


A transformative process that will not only amplify your skills but also empower you to become an influential and effective leader.

Executive and Leadership Coaching

Duration – 4 – 6 sessions

Executive and leadership coaching is one of our core offerings, and we are passionate about helping our clients achieve their goals. We believe that executive and leadership coaching can help you:

  • Improve your leadership skills: We can help you develop the skills you need to be an effective leader, such as communication, delegation, and decision-making.
  • Increase your self-awareness: We can help you become more aware of your strengths and weaknesses, and how you can use them to your advantage.
  • Set and achieve your goals: We can help you set clear and achievable goals, and develop a plan to achieve them.
  • Overcome challenges: We can help you overcome challenges, such as dealing with difficult people or managing change.
  • Build your team: We can help you build a high-performing team, by developing the skills of your team members and creating a positive team culture.

If you are an executive or leader who is looking to reach your full potential, then Alcor Consultancy can help. We offer a personalized coaching program that is tailored to your specific needs. We believe that with our help, you can achieve your goals and reach your brightest stars.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.

Stakeholder Centred Coaching - Leadership Transformation Program

Duration – 8 to 12 months

Building stronger relationships with © Marshall Goldsmith’s Stakeholder Centered Coaching

Do you ever feel like you’re not getting the support you need from your stakeholders? Or that you’re not sure how to build stronger relationships with them? If so, then you need Alcor’s © Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching.

© Marshall Goldsmith is a world-renowned executive coach and author who has helped thousands of leaders around the world build stronger relationships with their stakeholders. His Stakeholder Centered Coaching (SCC) methodology is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals and reach your full potential.

In SCC coaching, you’ll learn how to:

  • Identify your stakeholders: Who are the people who matter most to your success?
  • Understand their needs: What do they want from you?
  • Build trust and rapport: How can you create positive relationships with them?
  • Communicate effectively: How can you get your message across in a way that they understand and appreciate?
  • Resolve conflict: How can you deal with difficult situations in a constructive way?

We believe that © Marshall Goldsmith’s Stakeholder Centered Coaching is essential for anyone who wants to build stronger relationships with their stakeholders. It’s a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals and reach your full potential.

Here are some of the benefits of © Marshall Goldsmith’s Stakeholder Centered Coaching:

  • Increased trust and rapport with stakeholders
  • Improved communication skills
  • Enhanced conflict resolution skills
  • Increased understanding of stakeholder needs
  • Improved ability to build consensus
  • Increased productivity and efficiency

If you are looking to improve your relationships with your stakeholders, then Alcor’s © Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching is a valuable investment. It is designed to drive performance breakthroughs by helping leaders upgrade their leadership behaviours, aligning them with organisational goals and creating a lasting competitive advantage.

Here are some of the concepts that are covered in © Marshall Goldsmith’s Stakeholder Centered Coaching:

  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Stakeholders: This framework helps you understand how to build strong relationships with your stakeholders.
  • The Stakeholder Map: This tool helps you identify and understand your stakeholders.
  • The Stakeholder 360: This assessment helps you get feedback from your stakeholders on your strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Feedforward: This powerful tool helps you get specific, actionable feedback from your stakeholders.

If you are interested in learning more about © Marshall Goldsmith’s Stakeholder Centered Coaching, please contact us today. We would be happy to discuss how this coaching can help you achieve your goals.

Team Stakeholder Centered Coaching

Our Team Stakeholder Centred Coaching service offering is designed to drive real change within your team. We understand that change requires more than just intention. It requires a disciplined process of implementation. Our year-long program is structured as follows:

1. Coaching Workshop: The program starts with a comprehensive one or half-day coaching workshop, setting the stage for the coaching process.

2. Monthly One-on-One Coaching: Each team member receives monthly one-on-one coaching sessions, providing personalised guidance, support, and action planning to drive progress and development.

3. Mini Survey Reviews and Coaching-in-Action Workshop: We conduct two formal mini-survey reviews throughout the program and a coaching-in-action workshop to debrief the results. This provides valuable insights and feedback for continuous improvement.

4. Coach as Soundboard and Stakeholder Advocate: Our coaches serve as a soundboard and accountability points, providing expert knowledge, experiential examples, and resources. They also advocate for stakeholders, ensuring their perspectives are considered and integrated into the coaching process.

5. Consistent Follow-up: The key to success in our program is consistent and regular follow-up with fellow team members, fostering a culture of accountability and continuous improvement. It’s not just about the meetings with the coach but the ongoing commitment to driving positive change within the team.

With our Team Stakeholder Centred Coaching, you can expect a comprehensive, year-long program that focuses on real change on the job. Our experienced coaches are dedicated to supporting your team’s growth, development, and success. Contact us today to learn more about how our coaching services can benefit your team.

Cultured Alignment Program

Building a culture that works for you
Do you ever feel like your company culture is holding you back? Or that your employees are not aligned with your company’s values? If so, then you need Alcor’s Culture Alignment Program.

Our program will help you:

  • Identify your company’s core values: What do you stand for? What do you want your employees to believe in?
  • Measure your current culture: Where are you now? What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • Create a roadmap for change: How will you get to where you want to be?
  • Implement your plan: We’ll help you make sure your culture change is successful.

We believe that a strong culture is essential for any successful organization. When your employees are aligned with your values, they are more engaged, productive, and loyal. They are also more likely to go the extra mile for your company.

Our Culture Alignment Program is tailored to your specific needs. We’ll work with you to create a program that is right for your company. We’ll also provide you with the tools and resources you need to make your culture change successful. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you build a culture that works for you.

Here are some of the benefits of a well-aligned culture:

  • Increased employee engagement
  • Improved productivity
  • Reduced turnover
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction
  • Increased profitability

If you are looking to improve your company’s culture, then Alcor’s Culture Alignment Program is a valuable investment.

Emotional Intelligence 360

Duration: Three weeks

EI 360 is a comprehensive program that offers flexible and engaging 360 feedback to employees, leaders, and teams, serving as a tangible starting point for their
development journey.

Emotional and Social Intelligence (EI), commonly recognised as the capacity to recognise and manage our own and others’ emotions, and to motivate ourselves, is a critical factor in sustaining success in challenging roles and navigating changing environments.

The 360 Reports are meticulously designed to be clear, concise, and visually appealing, ensuring ease of interpretation and facilitating robust developmental conversations. These reports combine valuable feedback, development tips, and a practical planning guide, providing a solid foundation for creating effective development and action plans.

EI 360 equips individuals and teams with the tools to enhance their emotional intelligence, foster positive behaviours, and effectively manage change in today’s demanding corporate landscape.

Leadership Circle Profile™ 360

Duration: Four weeks

The Leadership Circle Profile™ (LCP) is a groundbreaking 360-degree assessment that connects competencies with underlying thought habits to reveal how internal assumptions drive behaviour. It provides instant access to key issues and uncovers a leader’s operating system, increasing inner awareness for effective leadership.

Our competency-based 360° profile measures two critical leadership domains:
a. Creative Leadership Competencies
b. Reactive Tendencies.

Creative competencies are extensively researched skills that assess your ability to achieve results, inspire others to excel, lead with vision, enhance personal development, demonstrate integrity and courage, and improve organisational systems. These competencies are crucial to effective leadership and are supported by thorough research and analysis.

Reactive tendencies are:
• Leadership styles that prioritise caution over creating results.
• Self-protection over productive engagement.
• Aggression over building alignment.

These self-limiting styles overly focus on gaining the approval of others, protecting oneself, and achieving results through high-control tactics. Recognising and addressing these tendencies is important as they can hinder effective leadership and limit organisational growth and success.
With the integration of the leader’s personality, key opportunities for leadership development are immediately identified in the assessment report.

The package includes the assessment report, two 1-1 debrief sessions for the leader and three months of 1-1 transformational coaching.

We prioritise your success and offer a four-week timeline for delivering actionable insights to help you unlock your true leadership potential. Join the ranks of top leaders who have benefited from our cutting-edge methodology and take your leadership to new heights with the Leadership Circle Profile™ 360.

Employee Pulse Survey

Employee Pulse Surveys (EPS) are short and quick surveys sent to employees regularly (monthly, quarterly) to check employee satisfaction, job role, communication, relationships, and work environment.

These surveys typically consist of 5-15 questions, making them easy to answer and not time-consuming. EPS are valuable tools as they provide feedback that helps identify areas for improvement and measure changes in engagement and satisfaction levels within the organisation.

While many organisations invest in annual or biennial employee engagement surveys, relying solely on these periodic check-ins is inadequate. Valuable time may pass without addressing critical issues or concerns raised by employees.

With staff pulse surveys, organisations can regularly check in with employees, promptly addressing issues or concerns before they escalate. The simple and efficient format of EPS provides invaluable feedback for management, enabling proactive measures to enhance employee experience and satisfaction.

EPS is a vital component of a comprehensive employee feedback strategy, promoting regular communication and facilitating prompt action to create a positive and engaging work environment.

EVERYTHING DiSC® Personality Profile

Duration: Two weeks

Discover the untapped potential within your team with the unique EVERYTHING DiSC® personality model. At the heart of our offering is a highly insightful EVERYTHING DiSC® profile, designed to uncover your individual strengths and preferred work style.

Our in-depth assessment is specifically tailored to dissect the four distinct DiSC® types: Drive, Influence, Support, and Clarity. By analysing your unique EVERYTHING DiSC® profile, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of which type best suits you, as well as your scores for the remaining three.

Empower your team with the knowledge to effectively leverage the EVERYTHING DiSC® model, unlocking the full potential of each member. Elevate your team’s performance and productivity by harnessing the power of our game-changing EVERYTHING DiSC® assessment.