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Space is a reminder of the boundless nature of existence. It calls us to explore. For the thinking mind that exploration begins from within.

Leadership Development for Self

Leadership Development for Team


Organisational Culture Design

The Five Behaviors Model

The Five Behaviors combines the framework of Patrick Lencioni’s model for teamwork with personalized insights to create powerful, customized, and authentic team development solutions that empower individuals to make lasting change.

SCC is not theory. It is about action. Success in this process does not have to take up a lot of your time. In fact, using this methodology is very time efficient.

© Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching

Leadership Circle Profile™

Integrating the Field of Leadership with the most comprehensive 360° Leadership Assessment

© Courtesy of leadership circle profile™



Executive and
Leadership Coaching

Team Stakeholder
Centred Coaching

Culture Alignment

Stakeholder Centred Coaching –
Leadership Transformation Program


Intelligence 360

Employee Pulse

Leadership Circle
Profile™ 360

EVERYTHING DiSC® Personality

Stakeholder Centered Coaching

Stakeholder Centered Coaching (SCC) is a practice that is based upon the principles and practices of © Marshall Goldsmith, a world authority in helping successful leaders get even better – by achieving positive, lasting change in behavior: for themselves, their people and their teams. As the business world becomes more complex with changing technology and global endeavors, the role of a leader is also growing in complexity making it more difficult to efficiently and effectively dedicate time to developing oneself.

SCC is a simple methodology that is neither time consuming nor difficult to understand. The method is based upon years of working with successful leaders who were willing to do what it takes to becoming even better leaders in their future. Without question, anyone who follows the Stakeholder Centered Process will improve in his or her leadership.

© Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching

Leadership Circle Profile™

The Leadership Circle Profile™ (LCP) provides a detailed snapshot in time, enabling leaders to answer the question: “How are my behaviors and mindset enabling or constraining my intended leadership impact and our business performance?”

The Leadership Circle Profile™ is the only instrument that measures the two primary leadership domains — Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies. It measures underlying beliefs and assumptions—the habits of thought that run much of our behavior. As leaders gain these insights, they have much higher leverage to make transformative change.

© Courtesy of leadership circle profile™

The Five Behaviors Model

The Five Behaviors combines the framework of Patrick Lencioni’s model for teamwork with personalized insights to create powerful, customized, and authentic team development solutions that empower individuals to make lasting change.

Click on the pyramid to explore the behaviors

Focus on Achieving
Collective Results

The ultimate goal is the achievement of results, which is unlocked through implementing the model’s principles of Trust, Conflict, Commitment, and Accountability.

Hold One Another

Once everyone is committed to a clear plan of action, they will be more willing to hold one another accountable.

Commit to Decisions

When team members are able to offer opinions and debate ideas, they feel heard and respected, and will be more likely to commit to decisions.

Engage in Conflict around Ideas

With trust, team members are able to engage in unfiltered, constructive debate of ideas.

Trust One Another

When team members are genuinely transparent and honest with one another, it forms a safe environment that creates and builds vulnerability-based trust.

See What People Are Saying

Aditi Shrivastava
CEO – Pocket Aces

“Alcor Consultancy, under Vijayshree’s leadership, has been transformative. Their tailored solutions focus on organizational needs, guided by data and empathy. Their coaching and training programs have brought significant improvements in leadership styles, team alignment, and HR structuring. The support from Shree and her team has been instrumental in our growth, making them a key partner for our future success.”

Jofi Joesph
CEO – Promethean Power Systems

“Transitioning to solution selling meant defining core values pivotal to our mission of ‘Improving Farmer Livelihoods.’ Shree and her team from Alcor made this process enjoyable and enlightening. Their guidance turned what could have been stressful into a transformative journey of self-discovery. We’re eager for more collaborations.”

Shraddha Thanawala
CEO – Mercer

“Our partnership with Alcor in 2022 had a significant impact in our transformation journey. Vijayashree, whose passion for addressing people-related challenges impressed us during our time at Stanford Seed, played a vital role at Remiges. She recognised some issues within our growing team and guided us in defining our core values and culture. Her courage in addressing underlying issues played a pivotal role. Thanks to her guidance, we’ve built a more aligned team structure.”